Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

Only 199 days left....


dagny_finds_faith said...

Hello, just wanted to introduce myself- my name is Amanda, and I am committed to local and food and I am-gasp-a stauch Republican. I voted for Bush twice and would do it again if given the chance. I support local food because of the health problems caused by big agriculture, and because I will do anything to lessen the USA's dependence on foreign oil. I just wanted you to know that a lot of people in this "movement" with you- especially here down south- don't hate conservatives, but are in fact conservatives themselves. This movement is so focused on community, perhaps partisanship is a bit...inappropriate? I do love your blog though, and it has helped me slowly convert my friends to the farmer's markets! Thanks!

Ed Bruske said...

Dagny, conservatives have to eat, too. My father-in-law can't even discuss politics with me any more. He's a staunch Republican. Many of the farmers I know have very conservative outlooks as well--I can't imagine why. Thanks for being broado-minded enough to continue reading this blog, which opposes anything that gets between us consumers and good, healthy food, regardless of party affiliation.