Thursday, October 30, 2008


Sweet potato mash with ruby chard.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Shopping: none

These sweet potatoes were recently harvested from the garden, roasted in a 325-degree oven, then mashed and seasoned with orange juice, maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg.

I have enough leftover mashed sweet potatoes to last the week. I am just finishing the last of this chard, also harvested from the garden and braised with garlic and lemon. Both a little on the sweet side, these two go wonderfully well together, especially the red chard juices mixing with the mash.


Celia Hart said...

Yum! that looks tasty! I've haven't got sweet potatoes, but our Marina di Chioggia squash would be just as delicious I think.


kathy said...

Just what I have in my fridge! (From my CSA distribution.) Very seasonal. I'll try them together. I love the extra seasonings you added.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the new blog color/heading. Makes me feel warm and cozy, on my work from home day. Yummy too!

Ed Bruske said...

Celia, sweet potatoes are very dense but otherise have a lot in common--color and flavor-wise--with various squashes. Closest, I find, is butternut squash. I'm not familiar with the Chiogga squash you mention, but it could be a good match as well.

Kathy, these seasoning all go well with sweet potato. You might try giner as well. One of our readers mentioned garlic. Give it a try!

Sharon, I changed the header yesterday. The green cucumbers we perfect for the summer season, but sweet potatoes say fall to me. You just never know what's going to come out of our little Canon Elph camera.